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Unlock Your Journey to Wellness! Download Your Free Ebook Now.

The Authors


Divine holistic neuromelanated beings
These books are unique and extremely valuable because they're based on true knowledge of self, holistic health, and overall spiritual well-being for carbonated people and anyone aiming to reach their true holistic wellness and higher self.

"Revitalize Your Life with Our Trio of Holistic Wellness Books!"


Ready to take charge of your divine well-being? Our trio of books is more than just a collection – it's a holistic spiritual roadmap to a healthier, more harmonious you. Whether you're just starting your holistic spiritual journey or seeking

to deepen your understanding, these books provide the knowledge, inspiration, and tools you need to transform your life.


"Holistic Healing Unveiled”:

Unlock the secrets of holistic wellness and harness the incredible power of mind-body healing. Say goodbye to illness and hello to vibrant health!


"Holistic Nutrition Essentials":

Nourish your body with the wisdom of nature. Discover the art of creating healthy meal plans that will supercharge your energy and vitality.


"Ancient Energy Practices":

Immerse yourself in ancient wisdom. These practices will harmonize your energy, bringing balance, inner peace, and a new zest for life.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • Gain insights into holistic healing practices

  • Create personalized, health-boosting meal plans

  • Embrace ancient energy practices for well-being

  • Unlock the truth of healing and vibrant health

  • Embark on a lifelong spiritual journey to holistic wellness


Embark on your holistic wellness journey today. With these books as your trusted companions, you'll be equipped to take control of your well-being, uncover the secrets of holistic health, and enjoy a life filled with vitality and balance.


Who We Are

We are the AsimRa’s, walking divinely under the sun, living with purpose, expressing power while shinning light and love onto our Carbon people.


One day we got extremely sick and thought what if we could never get sick again. What if there is a way to truly heal ourselves and never suffer from sickness again. With deep research, a strong will, and the creation of new habitats we learned how to treat and heal our bodies through natural holistic practices.


In fact, we learned the true knowledge of self and our ancestors as well as how powerful they were as the divine indigenous beings of this entire planet. They were one with the universe and relied on nature to heal our mind, body, and spirit. Additionally, our personal journey of waking up and realizing the supreme knowledge of carbon people has been truly fulfilling. That is why we must continue to spark the minds of others as we continue to evolve and cultivate this energy on so many levels!

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© 2022 by April & Torry AsimRa


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Learn how to heal and expand your mind, body, and spirit!

E-Book now available for all devices.

Both holistic brain hemispheres
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